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Big Data to Predictive Analytics: The Future of Human Resources

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Career essentials explained on a blackboard

Recruitment Marketing: Nurturing Passive Talent

Recruitment marketing is not a new term in human resource (HR) management. It is the tactics and strategy used by a company to source, manage, and train passive talent before they..

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A handful of professionals in an office lobby

The ABCs of Temping

Temporary jobs, often known in the industry as temping work, have fast emerged as a viable employment option for both employers and employees. While recruiters can evaluate..

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Contract papers laid on a writing pad atop a table

3 Great Reasons to Become a Contractual Employee

With the growth of the on-demand economy, people are showing an increasing interest in contract positions to kickstart their careers. Moving from one contract to another, within..

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Diverse people expressing togetherness

Empathy in the Workplace: What, Why, and How

Empathy is the ability to live and relate to the emotions and experience of others. It's more than mere sympathy. It's the ability to understand and lend support to other people..

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Monochrome image of a man stretching his arm while working in the office

Want to Be Uber Productive at Work? Take a Break

Even as you read this, there could be at least 10 tabs open on your browser, plus several active programs running at the same time.

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Laptop screen displaying 'BRAND' surrounded by coffee, headphones, and a phone

Five Tips for Effective Employer Branding

Today is competitive labor market requires organizations to enhance their game and stay as an employer of choice. Competition to hire the best talent is at an all-time high, and..

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Recruiters greeting the candidate

Role of MSPs in Contingent Staffing

Leveraging highly specialized workers to increase efficiency has been a human resource (HR) practice for several centuries now. While this division of labor was first theorized by..

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Man's hand grasping a crystal ball

Looking at the Contingent Staffing Crystal Ball

A booming economy and historically low unemployment rates are all good news for economists. But these factors have an immediate and profound impact on talent acquisition,..

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Graphic celebrating International Women's Day

What Does International Women's Day Mean to Rangam?

As a woman-owned business, Rangam has always been supportive of its women employees, consultants, customers, and partners. We not only offer employee-friendly work arrangements..

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