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Introducing the Rangam Empathy Drives innovation series, or REDi for short - your ultimate career companion designed to help you take the next big step in your professional journey!

Our comprehensive series includes blogs, chats, webinars, and many other features that are tailor-made to help you succeed. With expert insights, industry best practices, and hands-on guidance, REDi is the perfect resource to support your career goals. Join us and take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling future!

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The Future of the Workplace

As we embrace the opportunities and challenges ahead, let’s take a moment to reflect on “The Future of the Workplace” in our first REDI Chat of the year! Watch the session here

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Navigating Inclusion: Veterans, Neurodiversity, & Workplace Accommodations

This is insightful REDi Chat as we dive into creating inclusive workplaces for veterans. Watch the session here

Why Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Is The Need Of The Hour

Corporate initiatives to foster an inclusive workplace — or what has come to be known as diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) — have been steadily growing in recent years. Earlier, DE&I was considered only government compliance or just a “program” to be run by companies.

Featured in SIA's 2021 DE&I Influencers List

Featured in SIA's 2021 DE&I Influencers List

We are excited to announce that our Co-founders Nish Parikh, CEO, Rangam and Hetal Parikh, President, Rangam have been named to SIA's 2021 list of DE&I Influencers. This Staffing Industry Analysts list recognizes individuals who advance Diversity and Inclusion in the workforce.

3 tips from Rangam Consultants for employers who want to improve their DEI by hiring more mentally and physically disabled students and recent grads

3 tips from Rangam Consultants for employers who want to improve their DEI by hiring more mentally and physically disabled students and recent grads

College Recruiter recently asked career experts for their top three tips for employers who want to improve their diversity, equity, and inclusion by recruiting more college students and recent graduates who are mentally or physically disabled.

Diversity Inside & Out & Across the Talent Spectrum

The constructs of empathy and equity will continue to shape the service economy in an increasingly complex world of competing interests, opinions, and expectations. — Hetal and Nish Parikh, Rangam Consultants.

Innovation in 2024

Jan 18, 2024

Innovation is the key to success for any modern-day business. 2023 was the year of reckoning for digital transformation, data strategy initiatives, and artificial intelligence (AI).

Breaking Barriers: The Enduring Strive for Gender Equality

Jan 5, 2024

In this ever-progressing world, the pursuit of gender equality is still striving to overcome outdated norms and stereotypes.

The Yuletide Log-Off

Dec 27, 2023

Coffee cup in hand, Akash Mitra looked out of the window from the sixth-floor Park Street office in the heart of Kolkata. It's afternoon in late December and dusk will descend soon.

Celebrating NDEAM: The Journey of Disability Rights and Inclusion Over the Past 50 Years

Oct 4, 2023

The fabric of American history is woven with diverse threads, each representing its own struggles and triumphs. During National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM).

Should You Go Back to Your Old Job? Four Key Questions to Ask Yourself

Sep 29, 2023

Sarah Anderson was in a dilemma. It had been three months since she switched to a new job when the 34-year-old media professional learned from a former colleague that her position was still vacant in the previous organization she worked for.

Analog Skills in a Digital World for Job Seekers

Sep 27, 2023

In our increasingly digitalized world, job seekers often navigate a landscape dominated by technology and online platforms.  While every career demands digital skills, mastering analog skills can elevate your career to new heights.


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