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Getting to Know the Company You’re Interviewing

Recent Blogs

Emotional Intelligence as a Leadership Skill

Employees are trained to trumpet their technical skills and personal achievements on their resumé and talk about them in job interviews. However, being successful in work, either..

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Women In the Workplace

Women In the Workplace: The 2023 Round-Up

Women bring high levels of ambition to the workplace, and flexibility is their turbocharger. But, here’s the scoop - even with all the wins, achieving true parity still feels like..

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Increasing Employee Engagement in 2024

The nature of work is changing. Following the ‘Great Resignation' that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, hybrid work has emerged as a significant boost to human resource (HR)..

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Mastering the Art of Interviewing: Key Questions to Ask and Answer

Tell Me About Yourself: This seemingly simple question sets the stage for the interview. Craft a concise yet compelling narrative that highlights your relevant experiences and..

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Remote Jobs versus Full-Time Jobs

In today's job market, there are more options than ever before when it comes to employment. One of the biggest debates is between remote jobs and full-time jobs. Both have their..

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Unlocking Opportunities: Navigating the Job Market When You Have a Disability

By Tanya Lee, Founder of AbilityVillage

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Innovation in 2024

Innovation in 2024

Innovation is the key to success for any modern-day business. 2023 was the year of reckoning for digital transformation, data strategy initiatives, and artificial intelligence..

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Breaking Barriers: The Enduring Strive for Gender Equality

In this ever-progressing world, the pursuit of gender equality is still striving to overcome outdated norms and stereotypes, aiming to a powerful future where all gender resonates..

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The Yuletide Log-Off

Coffee cup in hand, Akash Mitra looked out of the window from the sixth-floor Park Street office in the heart of Kolkata. It's afternoon in late December and dusk will descend..

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