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Workplace Mental Health: The Secret to Business Success

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A woman and a man engaged in a discussion about the importance of mentors, rather than bosses, in hybrid workplaces

Hybrid Workplaces Need Mentors, Not Bosses

COVID-19 had a far-reaching impact on workplaces. While remote working has existed for more than a decade, hybrid workplaces have become more of a norm in major organizations as a..

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Man in formal attire at desk, hand on head, holding spectacles, depicting Zoom fatigue and the call for empathy

Zoom Fatigue: An Opportunity for Empathy

Have you ever noticed yourself feeling exhausted after a long day of Zoom meetings, perhaps even more so than after face-to-face meetings?

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A blue ribbon carries the emblem of a red blood drop, serving as a symbol for Diabetes Awareness Month

Happy Diabetes Awareness Month!

It’s hard to believe that our family has been adjusting to life with diabetes for over a decade now, and yet we still learn something new every. single. day. The day of my..

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A man's side profile with question marks depicts decision fatigue in the job search

Overcoming Decision Fatigue in Job Search

Searching for a job can be stressful regardless of whether you are in a knowledge-based or skill-based career. With so many job openings popping up on your screens, in your inbox,..

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Elegant 2023 diary: '2023 Inclusive' at center, pen, and spectacles, symbolizing New Year's inclusivity resolution

Make Inclusivity Your Company's New Year's Resolution!

Diversity and inclusion has been a big buzzword in the HR landscape in recent times, especially over the past 5 years. However, a common pitfall of this phrase is that oftentimes,..

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Image: Lee Corless, Executive Vice President of Global Expansion, Rangam, during his inaugural visit to India, uniting Rangam

Uniting One Rangam – Leading Global Teams to Greater Success

On Monday, June 12th, I left the UK for my first visit to the Vadodara Rangam India Office, eagerly looking forward to the 3-week trip ahead. After a short 8-hour flight, a 5-hour..

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A woman on the sofa in pain emphasizes the importance of paid menstrual leave

The Pressing Need for Paid Menstrual Leave

Sitting at her work desk, Tracy Evans grimaced in pain. For the second time in less than two hours, the cramping in her lower abdomen almost felt biting, and her headache made her..

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A woman is consulting a veteran at the workplace to foster mental health awareness among veterans

Breaking the Stigma: Fostering Mental Health Awareness Among Veterans

Serving in the U.S. military is an honorable commitment, and service members often face extreme conditions serving their country. When returning to civilian life, veterans may..

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A virtual image of a human brain with

AI, ChatGPT, and Neurodiversity

Reclined in her office chair, Olivia Anderson put on her headphones and opened her laptop to begin working. The artificial intelligence (AI) program was open on her laptop screen...

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