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Improving Work-Life Balance for Working Indian Mothers

Rangam Jun 20, 2023 6:21:35 AM
Professional woman multitasking with laptop and baby, representing the work-life of Indian mothers

In the demanding and dynamic work environment of today, it is crucial to achieve a healthy work-life balance for overall well-being and success. However, working mothers in India face unique challenges in juggling their careers with their familial duties. Let’s explore the importance of promoting a healthy work-life balance for working mothers and discuss ways to bridge the divide and create an inclusive environment.

The Challenges:

Striking a balance between professional duties and family responsibilities is a challenge and can be draining. Cultural expectations, lack of affordable childcare, and existing gender norms add to the burdens of working mothers. Add to it, inflexible work arrangements and maternity leave policies that are inadequate and found wanting, this further exacerbates the challenges faced by working mothers.

Let us explore in detail the challenges working mothers often face:

  • Cultural expectations: In India, there is a strong expectation that women will take on the primary responsibility for childcare and household duties making it difficult for working mothers to balance their work and family responsibilities.
  • Lack of accessible and affordable childcare: Expensive childcare along with a shortage of options is a big challenge. This makes it difficult for working mothers to find affordable and reliable childcare.
  • Gender norms: There is a perception that women are not as committed to their careers as men which leads to working mothers being passed over for promotions or being given fewer challenging assignments.
  • Lack of flexible work arrangements: When workplaces do not offer flexible work arrangements, like flextime, telecommuting, or remote work, working mothers often find it difficult to balance their many responsibilities.
  • Inadequate maternity leave policies: A short statutory maternity leave policy of 26 weeks only adds to the problem. This is shorter than the maternity leave policies in many countries.

The Benefits

A work-life balance is not just beneficial for working mothers but also for everyone in the organization. When employees, including working mothers, are able to maintain a healthy balance between their personal and professional lives, there are many benefits for employees and the organizations they work for. Some of the benefits include:

  • Higher Job satisfaction:
  • Better productivity:
  • Reduced burnout:
  • Talent attraction and retention:
  • An inclusive workplace:

Strategies for Work-Life Balance

Organizations can implement multiple strategies to promote work-life balance. These strategies will benefit not only employee productivity and satisfaction with their employment but will also lead to increased efficiency and workplace morale. These strategies include:

  • Implementing flexible work arrangements: Flexible work arrangements like flexitime etc. can help working mothers balance their work and familial responsibilities.
  • Provide longer maternity and paternity breaks: Implementing longer paid maternity leave and the addition of paid paternity leave policies will give new parents the necessary time to bond with their child and transition to this new season in their lives.
  • On-site childcare: On-site or nearby childcare facilities will reduce the stress of finding reliable and affordable childcare facilities, enabling mothers to focus on their work with peace of mind.
  • Supportive policies: Supportive policies and programs, such as lactation support, child sick leave, and family-friendly policies like compressed workweeks will go a long way to empower working mothers in navigating their dual roles effectively.
  • Culture of Empathy: Fostering a culture of empathy where colleagues and supervisors understand and respect the challenges faced by working mothers can significantly contribute to their well-being and job satisfaction.


Promoting work-life balance for working mothers is not only a matter of gender equality but also a strategic investment in the success of organizations. By implementing flexible work arrangements, supportive policies, and creating a culture of understanding, organizations can bridge the gap and empower working mothers to thrive both personally and professionally. It is crucial to recognize and value the contributions of working mothers and provide them with the necessary support to achieve a harmonious work-life balance. 

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