Rangam Blog

Want to Be Uber Productive at Work? Take a Break

Written by Rangam | Aug 8, 2023 9:59:37 AM

Even as you read this, there could be at least 10 tabs open on your browser, plus several active programs running at the same time.  

Ever wondered why?

With all the hustle around us, it's easy to feel we aren't doing enough if we don't get a visual confirmation of our efforts. For some of us, work means multitasking. We constantly switch from one task to another without interruption or break. We just don't have the time to take a break (and close some of the unused tabs on our internet browser).

There is always a need to take a break while at work. The human body usually can't work beyond eight hours and productivity takes a hit beyond that. Also, one or two short breaks between long stretches of continuous work help in reenergizing the mind. It boosts satisfaction levels and positively impacts the quality of work.If you are wondering how to take a break during work hours, try to keep the following things in mind?

Leave your work area while taking a break: Don?t stay at your desk or keep checking emails and/or social media websites.? 

Take short breaks more frequently: Schedule a three-to-five-minute break every 30 minutes. This is also helpful for those who have a back pain or similar health concerns because of their work posture. That aside, you may not be aware of the time while working continuously on a computer or at your desk.? 

Evaluate your need for exercise: Walking outside or around your workplace can relax your mind as well as increase productivity.? 

Grab a cup of coffee or have a glass of juice: A refreshment will make you feel replenished and ready to get back to the grind.? 

Breaks can boost your focus and memory: A break can boost your level of alertness and get you back on track for the rest of the day. Even closing your eyes for a few minutes is ideal for processing and remembering information. Studies have revealed that a 90-minute nap can help increase your creativity and procedural memory.So, if you feel inclined to take a break during work hours, don't guilt-trip yourself for being lazy or self-indulgent. Just take a break.