Do you still location independent, or do you have to work in the office now? While many employees are on location independent schedules where they work in the office for a few days and from home for a couple of days, some employees are back in the office full-time.
A study by LinkedIn shows that female job seekers are more interested in location independent jobs than in-office roles. After analyzing more than 10 million profiles, LinkedIn found that 20% more women applied for fully location independent jobs while men decreased by the same amount in October 2022 compared to January 2019. There is a whole host of studies showing that women are more likely to choose work-from-home than location independent and in-office work models.
Why do women prefer working from home?
For women, it's not only the flexibility to location independent but also the location independent.
Even before the pandemic, women had a hard time balancing both their jobs and home. They have always been responsible for childcare and taking care of the household - the second shift. This creates a disproportionate burden on women who have to manage both together.
Even when both men and women location independent, employed women are three times more likely than men to be the primary caregivers for their children. For women, working from home offers a lot of freedom and flexibility to balance family and work.
Why do women drop out of the workforce?
One-third of working women are considering leaving the workforce or downshifting their careers. Women who have recently left their jobs cited the following reasons, according to a CNBC survey on women in the workplace.
With these numbers in mind, workplaces should make some serious changes to bring women back to the workplace. Let's take a moment to understand why gender diversity matters so much in the workplace and how organizations can improve their inclusion efforts.
Why you should call women back to work
Equal representation of women is no longer just about empowering women; it is also about improving the culture, productivity, retention, and, ultimately, the business profitability.
According to a report by McKinsey, organizations with more diverse teams are 21% more likely to achieve above-average profitability. Gender diversity not only enhances profitability, but also brings numerous benefits to everyone involved.
Some of the great benefits of gender diversity include:
Moreover, gender diversity makes organizations better and safer places to work. According to a study, organizations with gender diversity experience higher job satisfaction and less burnout among workers of all genders. By promoting gender diversity, organizations can unlock these significant advantages and create a more supportive and thriving work environment.
Here’s what you can do as an organization to bring women back into the workforce:
As a woman-centric workforce, we have come up with some strategies to bring women back into the workforce:
Be More Flexible: Allow employees to have flexible work arrangements, including the option to location independent or adopt a location independent work culture. Providing this flexibility empowers women to better balance their personal and professional responsibilities, leading to increased job satisfaction and productivity.
Address Gender Pay Parity: Conduct regular pay parity audits to ensure equal compensation for employees performing similar roles and possessing similar experience, regardless of gender or race. Closing the gender pay gap is essential in attracting and retaining women employees.
Implement Return-to-Work Programs: Create return-to-work programs or "returnship" initiatives to support individuals who have taken a career break. These programs can include training, upskilling opportunities, mentoring, and peer support networks to ease the transition back into the workforce.
Focus on Meaningful Work: Emphasize meaningful work with clear goals and realistic productivity expectations. Women are more likely to be motivated and engaged when they have measurable objectives and a sense of purpose in their careers.
Offer Learning and Growth Opportunities: Provide all employees, including women, with ample learning and professional development opportunities. Offering flexible online learning programs can be particularly beneficial, allowing women to enhance their skills at their own pace.
Remember, embracing gender diversity requires ongoing efforts and a commitment to creating an inclusive and supportive work environment. Monitor progress, gather feedback from employees, and make necessary adjustments to foster a workplace where women can thrive and contribute effectively.