Rangam Blog

Hyper-globalization and DE&I

Written by Rangam | Jul 31, 2023 11:33:47 AM

It is now the new benchmark that many corporations are striving to achieve, thereby bringing an increased intensity and speed in the scope of globalization. As corporations move towards this goal, one can expect to see a shift in their policies and practices aimed at diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I).

In a hyper-globalized workplace, DE&I plays an even more critical role than ever before. In order to navigate and succeed globally, companies need to have a diverse workforce that offers a broader spectrum of ideas, viewpoints, and solutions. A diverse workforce also helps companies cater to a globally diverse customer base by building stronger relationships among people from different socio-economic backgrounds and cultures. As businesses grow to the next level, they need to adapt and pivot quickly in response to changes. A truly diverse workforce helps build innovation and resilience.

Equity and inclusion are also just as important as diversity in the workplace. Forward-thinking organizations strive to create an equitable and inclusive culture that values and celebrates the differences of its people. Inclusion can be promoted and supported by providing education, resources, and opportunities to all team members so they can contribute and grow with your organization. Also, actively working to eliminate discrimination, bias, and stereotypes through will further help in advancing inclusion.


Promotion and celebration of DE&I in a hyper-globalized marketplace is a business imperative that can help companies rise above the competition and stand out as socially responsible employers.